SPFutureCast Features

Some of the key features and functionality that make SPFutureCast so powerful

Planning Options

Plan with desired organizational level and corresponding forecasting data.

Hover Over Tool Tips

Tool tips are used to provide all relative information for floors, neighborhoods, and departments throughout the software.

Planning Tools

Clipboard and search functionality to assist in planning. Easy removal of departments that may work remotely.

Department Data

Departments can be expanded to see occupants, split into multiple groups, or their employees easily reassigned to a new department.

Moving The Same Department At Once

Simply dragging the highest level of a department will move ALL instances of the department to the new building.

Relocating Flex Neighborhoods

Drag existing neighborhoods from one floor or building to another and their departments move with them.

Building Overview & Assignable Eligibility

Tailored specifically for assignable space and office eligibility, allowing users to see how departments fit with their current vs their right-sized placement.

Planning Supportive Reports

Audit space as you work to identify over- and under-utilized buildings, floors, and neighborhoods.

Ready to see SPFutureCast in action?