Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our most asked questions below

Is there a hosted environment?

Not at this time.  SPFutureCast must be installed on a local server.

Is there a disadvantage to not using live data?

SPFutureCast can be refreshed at any point during the planning process.  The guided refresh process lets users control how the project data is updated.

Do I need an IWMS/CAFM software?

No.  SPFutureCast was built to support clients with or without an IWMS/CAFM system.

Does this replace my existing CAFM / IWMS software?

No.  SPFutureCast is not an IWMS/CAFM system.  It is a stand-alone software that fills the voids in most IWMS/CAFM strategic and scenario planning solutions.

What about room assignments?

SPFutureCast does not allow users to plan to an assignable room level.  Planning at this level typically requires floor plan drawings, knowledge of how departments work, etc.  SPFutureCast is a more high-level planning tool.  Rooms can be assigned in an exported move list or after importing your move lists into your IWMS/CAFM system.

Need help?

Whether you need help with site background images, pulling your data from an existing IWMS/CAFM system, or using SPFutureCast, our team has the knowledge and expertise to assist you.

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